热带病与寄生虫学 ›› 2024, Vol. 22 ›› Issue (2): 102-106.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1672-2302.2024.02.007

• 防治研究 • 上一篇    下一篇


潘艳1(), 马建军1, 赵庆龙2, 白云龙2, 高智慧2, 高迎1, 朱红1, 孟祥逸1, 梅扬3()   

  1. 1.吉林省结核病防治科学研究院(吉林省结核病防治科学研究院附属医院),吉林长春 130012
  • 收稿日期:2023-12-25 出版日期:2024-04-20 发布日期:2024-04-30
  • 通信作者: 梅扬,E-mail: meiyang@chinacdc.cn
  • 作者简介:潘艳,女,硕士,主管技师,研究方向:学校结核病防控。E-mail: jfkys@jlscdc.org.cn
  • 基金资助:

Analysis of the epidemiological characteristics of pulmonary tuberculosis among teachers in Jilin Province from 2012 to 2021

PAN Yan1(), MA Jianjun1, ZHAO Qinglong2, BAI Yunlong2, GAO Zhihui2, GAO Ying1, ZHU Hong1, MENG Xiangyi1, MEI Yang3()   

  1. 1. Jilin Provincial Institute of Tuberculosis Prevention and Treatment (Affiliated Hospital of Jilin Provincial Institute of Tuberculosis Prevention and Treatment), Changchun 130012, Jilin Province, China
    2. Jilin Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention (Jilin Provincial Institute of Public Health)
    3. Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention
  • Received:2023-12-25 Online:2024-04-20 Published:2024-04-30
  • Contact: MEI Yang, E-mail: meiyang@chinacdc.cn


目的 分析吉林省教师肺结核流行特征,为完善学校结核病防控策略提供参考依据。方法 从中国疾病预防控制信息系统结核病管理信息系统中导出2012—2021年吉林省教师肺结核病例资料,采用描述流行病学方法分析教师肺结核患者的三间分布、发现方式及就诊间隔等情况。结果 2012—2021年吉林省累计登记教师活动性肺结核患者529例,年均登记发病率为13.63/10万,登记发病率总体呈下降趋势(χ2趋势=33.695,P<0.05),年递降率为11.32%。登记时间分布以2017年为分水岭,2012—2016年间3月登记患者最多(36例,占11.36%),9月登记患者最少(16例,占5.05%);2017—2021年间9月登记的患者最多(31例,占14.62%),2月登记患者最少(9例,4.25%)。患者主要分布在吉林中部地区(241例,占45.56%);男性244例,女性285例,性别比为1∶1.17;50岁及以上教师患者最多(188例,占35.54%)。患者发现方式以直接就诊最多(248例,占46.88%),追踪发现患者所占比例随时间增长呈上升趋势(χ2趋势=15.207,P<0.05)。病原学阳性率为31.00%,总体呈上升趋势(χ2趋势=29.393,P<0.05)。教师患者的就诊延迟率为70.51%(373例),就诊延迟率总体呈下降趋势(χ2趋势=7.478,P<0.05),就诊间隔中位数为30.00(12.00,45.00)d。结论 2012—2021年吉林省教师肺结核疫情呈下降趋势,但在患者及时就诊、主动发现方面还存在薄弱环节,需加强教师健康宣教和健康体检以提高主动发现比例、减少就诊延迟,避免学校结核病疫情传播。

关键词: 肺结核, 教师, 流行特征, 就诊间隔, 吉林省


Objective To analyze the epidemiological characteristics of tuberculosis among teachers in Jilin Province for evidence to improve the prevention and control strategy for pulmonary tuberculosis in school campus. Methods The tuberculosis cases of teachers registered in Jilin Province from 2012 to 2021 were retrieved from the tuberculosis management information system under the China Disease Prevention and Control Information System. Then the data on the teachers, including the temporal, regional and population distribution, ways to identify the infection and the intervals of treatment, were retrospectively analyzed. Results From 2012 to 2021, there were 529 teachers registered with active pulmonary tuberculosis in Jilin Province, with an average annual registered incidence of 13.63/100 000, which showed a decreasing trend (χ2 trend=33.695, P<0.05), with an annual decreasing rate of 11.32%. The year 2017 was a dividing line for the distribution of registration time. Between 2012 and 2016, the highest number of patients registered occurred in March (36 cases, 11.36%), the lowest number was in September (16 cases, 5.05%), yet between 2017 and 2021, the highest number of patients registered occurred in September (31 cases, 14.62%) and the lowest in February (9 cases, 4.25%). The patients were mainly distributed in the central region of Jilin (241 cases, 45.56%). There were 244 males and 285 females, with a sex reatio of 1∶1.17. Most of the patients were teachers ≥50 years old (188 cases, 35.54%). The most common way of finding tuberculosis patients in teachers was self-referral due to symptom (248 cases, 46.88%). The proportion of patients identified in follow-up showed an increasing trend over time (χ2trend =15.207, P<0.05). The positive rate of etiology was 31%, which showed an increasing trend (χ2trend =29.393, P<0.05). The rate of delayed treatment was 70.51% (373 cases) for the teachers, and showed a decreasing trend (χ2trend =7.478, P<0.05). The time from the first symptom to the first treatment was 30.00 (12.00, 45.00) days. Conclusion From 2012 to 2021, the prevalence of tuberculosis among teachers in Jilin Province showed a downward trend, yet weakness still remains in timely treatment and active detection of the patients. The findings suggest that health education and physical examination should be strengthened among the teachers so as to improve active detection, reduce delayed treatment, and prevent the spread of tuberculosis in school campus.

Key words: Pulmonary tuberculosis, Teachers, Epidemiological characteristics, Treatment interval, Jilin Province
