热带病与寄生虫学 ›› 2024, Vol. 22 ›› Issue (3): 147-151.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1672-2302.2024.03.004

• 肾综合征出血热专题 • 上一篇    下一篇


田育文1,2(), 沈纪川3(), 高飞1, 马涛2, 胡泉博1, 所佳宁1, 袁爽1   

  1. 1.黑龙江省疾病预防控制中心,黑龙江哈尔滨 150030
  • 收稿日期:2024-03-18 出版日期:2024-06-20 发布日期:2024-06-28
  • 通信作者: 沈纪川,E-mail: shenjic@163.com
  • 作者简介:田育文,男,硕士,副主任医师,研究方向:传染性疾病控制。E-mail: 26655269@qq.com

Trend analysis of the prevalence of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome in Heilongjiang Province from 2018 to 2023

TIAN Yuwen1,2(), SHEN Jichuan3(), GAO Fei1, MA Tao2, HU Quanbo1, SUO Jianing1, YUAN Shuang1   

  1. 1. Heilongjiang Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Harbin 1500,30, Heilongjiang Province, China
    2. Chinese Field Epidemiology Training Programme, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention
    3. Guangzhou Center for Disease Control and Prevention
  • Received:2024-03-18 Online:2024-06-20 Published:2024-06-28
  • Contact: SHEN Jichuan, E-mail: shenjic@163.com


目的 了解黑龙江省肾综合征出血热(hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome, HFRS)人群发病情况及动物宿主感染情况,为HFRS防控措施的制定和调整提供科学依据。方法 通过中国疾病预防控制信息系统收集2018—2023年黑龙江省HFRS病例信息,从黑龙江省疾病预防控制中心获取疫苗接种及鼠类宿主监测数据,对HFRS三间分布、人群疫苗接种情况、鼠类宿主感染率和带毒指数等进行分析。结果 2018—2023年黑龙江省累计报告HFRS病例5 233例,死亡34例,年报告发病率为1.60/10万~3.50/10万,总体呈下降趋势(χ2趋势=18.97,P<0.01),年均报告发病率为2.47/10万,年均报告死亡率为0.02/10万。2019—2022年黑龙江省人群HFRS疫苗接种数逐年上升,2023年略有减少。男、女报告病例数分别为4 031例、1 202例,发病率分别为3.79/10万、1.14/10万;报告病例数和发病率最高的年龄组均为50~59岁(1 386例,3.54/10万);职业以农民为主(3 170例,占60.58%)。发病呈双峰分布,主高峰出现在10—12月(2 628例,占50.22%),次高峰在5月(471例,占9.00%)。发病率前5位的地区为双鸭山市(5.68/10万)、黑河市(5.54/10万)、鸡西市(4.76/10万)、鹤岗市(4.40/10万)、佳木斯市(4.34/10万);FlexScan空间聚集性扫描显示,双鸭山市、黑河市、鸡西市、鹤岗市、佳木斯市、牡丹江市、齐齐哈尔市、伊春市为一类聚集区。鼠类宿主监测显示,年均鼠密度为7.12%,年均带毒率为7.11%,年均感染率为7.16%,年均带毒指数为7.05。结论 2018—2023年黑龙江省HFRS发病率呈下降趋势,但防控形势依然严峻。今后仍需加强高危人群健康教育和预防性接种工作,同时加强和完善鼠类宿主动物监测,提高HFRS监测预警能力。

关键词: 肾综合征出血热, 宿主动物, 流行趋势, 黑龙江省


Objective To understand the incidence of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) and the infection status of rodent hosts in Heilongjiang Province for scientific basis in the development and adjustment of related prevention and control measures for HFRS. Methods The data on HFRS cases in Heilongjiang Province from 2018 to 2023 were collected through the China Disease Control and Prevention Information System, and data on vaccination and rodent host surveillance were obtained from Heilongjiang Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Then all data were analyzed regarding the temporal, regional and demographic distribution of HFRS, vaccination status, the infection rate in rodent hosts and the virulence index of rats. Results In total, 5 233 HFRS cases and 34 deaths were reported in Heilongjiang Province from 2018 to 2023, with annual reported incidence of 1.60/100 000 to 3.50/100 000, which showed a decreasing trend in general (χ2trend=18.97, P<0.01). The average annual reported incidence was 2.47/100 000, and the average annual reported mortality was 0.02/100 000. The number of vaccine doses increased year by year in 2019-2022, with a slight decrease in 2023. Of the reported cases, 4 031 were males, and 1 202 females. The incidence was 3.79/100 000 and 1.14/100 000, respectively. The highest number of reported cases (1 386 cases) and incidence (3.54/100 000) were seen in population aged 50-59 years by age group, and farmers have the highest proportion of occupations (3 170 cases, 60.58%). The reported cases demonstrated a seasonal "bimodal" distribution, with the main peak occurring from October to December (2 628 cases, 50.22%) and the sub-peak appearing in May (471 cases, 9.00%). The top five regions with the highest incidence were involved in Shuangyashan City (5.68/100 000), Heihe City (5.54/100 000), Jixi City (4.76/100 000), Hegang City (4.40/100 000) and Jiamusi City (4.34/100 000). FlexScan spatial clustering scanning showed that Shuangyashan City, Heihe City, Jixi City, Hegang City, Jiamusi City, Mudanjiang City, Qiqihar City and Yichun City were classified as type A clustering area. Host monitoring showed that the density of mice was 7.12%. The average annual virus carrying rate, infection rate and virus carrying index of mice were 7.11%, 7.16% and 7.05, respectively. Conclusion The incidence rate of HFRS in Heilongjiang Province demonstrated a downward trend from 2018 to 2023, yet the situation of prevention and control still remains serious. In the future, there is still a need to strengthen the health education and preventive vaccination in the high-risk population, as well as to scale up and improve the monitoring of rodent hosts, so as to raise the monitoring and early-warning capacity for HFRS.

Key words: Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome, Host animals, Epidemiological trends, Heilongjiang Province
