热带病与寄生虫学 ›› 2024, Vol. 22 ›› Issue (2): 112-116.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1672-2302.2024.02.009

• 防治管理 • 上一篇    下一篇

《广州管圆线虫病诊断标准》(WS/T 321—2010)在福建省和云南省实施情况的跟踪评价

黄春燕1(), 刘榆华2, 谢汉国1, 俞铖航3()   

  1. 1.福建省疾病预防控制中心,福建福州 350012
  • 收稿日期:2023-11-14 出版日期:2024-04-20 发布日期:2024-04-30
  • 通信作者: 俞铖航,E-mail: yuch@nipd.chinacdc.cn
  • 作者简介:黄春燕,女,硕士,副主任医师,研究方向:传染性疾病控制。E-mail: hxyfyx@163.com
  • 基金资助:

Follow-up evaluation on the implementation of Diagnostic Criteria for Angiostrongyliasis (WS/T 321—2010) in Fujian and Yunnan provinces

HUANG Chunyan1(), LIU Yuhua2, XIE Hanguo1, YU Chenghang3()   

  1. 1. Fujian Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Fuzhou 350012, Fujian Province, China
    2. The Institute of Research and Control on Schistosomiasis in Dali Prefecture
    3. National Institute of Parasitic Diseases, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (Chinese Center for Tropical Diseases Research)
  • Received:2023-11-14 Online:2024-04-20 Published:2024-04-30
  • Contact: YU Chenghang, E-mail: yuch@nipd.chinacdc.cn


目的 了解《广州管圆线虫病诊断标准》(WS/T 321—2010)(简称《标准》)的实施情况,为《标准》的推广和进一步修订、完善提供科学依据。方法 通过分层抽样的方式抽取福建省和云南省的省、市、县和乡镇4级的疾病预防控制机构(简称疾控机构)和医疗机构的专业技术人员作为调查对象,采用调查对象自填问卷的方式开展《标准》实施情况调查。结果 共调查工作人员308人,回收有效问卷308份。《标准》知晓率为71.10%(219/308),不同特征调查对象中,≥50岁(81.40%,35/43)、市级单位(79.76%,67/84)、疾控机构(88.24%,105/119)、从事寄生虫病防治工作(85.71%,114/133)、高级职称(82.86%,58/70)、本科文化程度(77.09%,138/179)、公共卫生专业(86.21%,75/87)等人群的《标准》知晓率较高,且随着年龄增加和职称升高,《标准》知晓率呈上升趋势(χ2趋势=8.272、8.258,P均<0.01);知晓途径主要是业务培训(65.30%,143/219)和自主查阅(60.73%,133/219)。在《标准》的使用情况方面,知晓《标准》的调查对象中,有75.34%(165/219)会在工作中使用,15.98%(35/219)会经常使用。不同宣贯方式中,宣传资料的普及率最高(58.77%,181/308);75.32%(232/308)的调查对象认为专题讲座的宣贯效果好。能正确且完整掌握诊断原则、感染方式、临床表现、实验室检查方法和诊断类型等知识的调查对象人数分别为292人(占94.81%)、102人(占33.12%)、130人(占42.21%)、117人(占37.99%)和152人(占49.35%)。绝大多数调查对象(占89.61%,276/308)认为标准的可操作性好或较好。宣贯力度对标准实施的影响最大(占80.84%,249/308)。91.88%(283/308)的调查对象认为现行标准不需要修订。结论 《标准》仍适用于当前阶段的诊断需求,应继续加大对专业人员的宣贯力度,提高其认知和应用水平。

关键词: 广州管圆线虫病, 诊断标准, 问卷调查, 跟踪评价


Objective To understand the current status of implementing Diagnostic Criteria for Angiostrongyliasis (WS/T 321—2010) for scientific evidences to promote and further refine this standard. Methods By stratified sampling, we conducted a survey on the professionals from the disease prevention and control institutions (hereafter referred to as disease control institutions) and medical institutions at the provincial, municipal, county, and township levels in Fujian Province and Yunnan Province. Self-administered questionnaire was used to investigate the implementation status of Diagnostic Standard for Angiostrongyliasis (WS/T 321—2010). Results A total of 308 professionals were surveyed, and all of the questionnaires were validly retrieved. The awareness rate for the Standard was 71.10% (219/308). Among the subjects surveyed with different characteristics, those aged ≥50 (81.40%, 35/43), professionals working at prefecture level units (79.76%, 67/84) and in disease control institutions (88.24%, 105/119), engaging in parasitic disease prevention and control work (85.71%, 114/133), with senior professional titles (82.86%, 58/70), undergraduate education level (77.09%, 138/179), and public health majors (86.21%, 75/87) demonstrated higher awareness rates of the Standard. The awareness rate of the Standard showed an increasing trend with age and professional title (χ2trend=8.272, 8.258, all P<0.05). The main channels to acquire the knowledge were professional training (65.30%, 143/219) and self-access to the knowledge (60.73%, 133/219). Among 219 respondents, who were aware of the Standard 75.34% (165/219) had the chance to use the Standard in real work, and 15.98% (35/219) used it frequently. The popularity rate of promotional materials was the highest among different promotion methods (58.77%, 181/308), and 75.32% (232/308) of the respondents considered that the special lecture had a good dissemination effect. The rate for completely mastering the diagnostic principles, infection modes, clinical manifestations, laboratory testing methods, and diagnostic types were 94.81% (292/308), 33.12% (102/308), 42.21% (130/308), 37.99% (117/308) and 49.35% (152/308), respectively. The absolute majority of respondents (89.61%, 276/308) considered that the operability of the standard was good or fairly good. The promotion efforts (80.84%, 249/308) had the greatest impact on the implementation of the Standard, and 91.88% (283/308) of the respondents insisted that there was no need to amend the Standard in current stage. Conclusion Diagnostic Standard for Angiostrongyliasis (WS/T 321—2010) is still applicable to the current diagnostic needs, and it is necessary to continue to increase the dissemination of the Standard among professionals to enhance their awareness and application levels.

Key words: Angiostrongyliasis, Diagnostic standard, Questionnaire survey, Follow-up evaluation
