热带病与寄生虫学 ›› 2016, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (2): 87-89,92.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1672-2302.2016.02.008

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  1. 414100  湖南岳阳县,岳阳县血吸虫病预防控制中心(任小兵、方小平、李善峰),湖南省血吸虫病防治所(李以义、胡本骄、赵正元、任光辉)
  • 出版日期:2016-06-10 发布日期:2016-07-11
  • 基金资助:


Outcome of schistosomiasis control by hardening the water diversion channels located in Zhongzhou Town in Yueyang County

Ren Xiaobing1, Fang Xiaoping1, Hu Benjiao2, Zhao Zhengyuan2, Li Yiyi2, Li shanfeng1, Ren Guanghui2*   

  1. 1.Yueyang County Centre for Preventive and Control on Schistosomiasis, Yueyang 414100, China.2. Hunan Institute of Parasitic Diseases, Yueyang 414000, China
  • Online:2016-06-10 Published:2016-07-11

摘要: 【摘要】 目的  探索引有螺水源灌渠硬化工程的血防效果。 方法  选择岳阳县中洲乡东西干渠硬化工程区作为研究现场,通过收集分析2006~2015年灌渠所在流行村血防措施及病情,引水口洲滩及渠道螺情变化、评估以硬化为主血防效果。 结果  2006~2015年引水水源现场洲滩钉螺密度徘徊在0.40只/0.11m2左右;灌渠硬化前钉螺平均密度为0.199 9只/0.11 m2,感染螺平均密度为0.001 8只/0.11m2;工程后2007~2015年连续9年未发现钉螺;工程区人群血吸虫感染率从6.12%下降至0.19%;家畜血吸虫感染率从14.86%下降至0。 结论  引有螺水源灌渠实施硬化改造后不能孳生钉螺,辅以其他常规血防措施可有效降低当地疫情。 

关键词:  , 血吸虫病, 钉螺, 灌溉渠道, 硬化, 洞庭湖


【Abstract】 Objective  To investigate the outcomes of schistosomiasis control by hardening water diversion channels originated from snail ridden areas in Dongting Lake. Methods  East-West main channels and their branches, which were hardened with cement and concrete and run through Zhongzhou Town in Yueyang County, were selected as study sites. The information on endemic situation and measures for schistosomiasis control as well as the snail density changes in the marshland near the water inlet and within the channels were collected from 2006 to 2015 for evaluation of the outcomes after hardening the water diversion channels. Results  Average snail density in between 2006 and 2016 in the marshland around water sources was fluctuated in 0.40 heads/0.11m2. The average snail density inside the water diversion channel was 0.1999heads/0.11m2, and average infected snail density was 0.0018 heads/0.11m2 before channel hardening. However, no snails were found inside the diversion works from 2007 to 2015, when the rate of schisosome infection was dropped to 0.19% from 6.12% in population living along the diversion channels, and to zero from 14.86% in domestic animals over the same period. Conclusion  Hardening the water diversion channels originated from snail ridden areas in Dongting Lake can effectively prevent snails from spreading and breeding inside the works, and local transmission of schistosomiasis can be totally controlled by additional conventional measures.

Key words: Schistosomiasis, Oncomelania snail, Water diversion channels, Hardening, Dongting Lake